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This project studys plant growth and root system architecture development in the greenhouse in response to LED light treatments (spectrum, irradiance, timing and duration) and subsequent plant performance in the eld.
UK lettuce and celery crops are produced commercially from transplants - young plants which are propagated in greenhouses before being planted out in the eld. A signicant proportion of transplants are produced in winter and spring when day lengths are short and greenhouse heating requirements are high. Low ambient light levels in heated greenhouses can lead to reduced quality, stretching and slow growth, taking 6 - 8 weeks from sowing to planting out. The challenge for salad producers is producing vegetable transplants using reduced energy inputs and having increased quality and resilience to abiotic stress during the post transplanting stage of establishment.
This project optimises supplementary LED lighting irradiance and spectra for improving quality, shortening production cycles and manipulating root system architecture in transplants.
CambridgeHOK, Enza Zaden, G's Fresh, Nunhems UK PLC, Tozer Seeds
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