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Who is this course designed for?
The course has been designed for delegates at all levels who have interest in the meat industry and supply chain. The course covers red meat processing from leaving the farm, through slaughterhouse operations carcass handling and butchery, to maturation and secondary processing. It considers the requirements for establishing and maintaining an effectively managed and efficient meat processing operation, and it considers the elements of meat processing and the influence that staff and process control can have on the quality of product, efficiencies and yield.
As a result of the course, participants will be able to:
Course content:
Principles of animal welfare, the ethical frameworks that inform evaluations about animal welfare, the scientific assessment of an animal’s welfare status and approaches that might be taken to improve welfare.
Pre-slaughter animal management: visual assessment and grading of animals; transport considerations; lairage design and animal management; welfare considerations; pre-mortem factors affecting meat quality (age, stress management, injury, feeding); production records; traceability; legal requirements.
Slaughterhouse operations: slaughtering, skinning and evisceration (cattle, sheep and pigs); microbiological factors affecting quality and safety; post-mortem glycolysis; product defects (cold shortening, DFD, PSE meat); FSA inspection techniques and practices; red and green offal process and management; edible co products and animal by-products; quality improvement; cost control and reduction.
Carcass and primal butchery: carcass splitting; carcass chilling and effects on quality; maturation; cutting and primal production; intermediate packaging and chilled storage.
Prices: £650
For Further information on the course content please contact:
Dr Karim Farag
Senior Lecturer in Livestock Health and Welfare
To enrol please confirm name of attendee and full billing details to scco@harper-adams.ac.uk stating "Animal Welfare & Meat Processing"
For further information, course dates, and to book, please contact:
Short Course Office
Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk
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